

Gel Advanced Gel Extraction System is designed to extract and purify DAN fragments from agarose gel.
SKU: GAE Categories: ,
GAE-100 50 preps ¥821.00
GAE-200 250 preps ¥3,367.00


Gel Advanced Gel Extraction System is designed to extract and purify DAN fragments from agarose gel. This system is based on binding up to 20µg DNA on a silica-based membrane in chemotropic salts with the recovery up to 90%. The final DNA products are free from agarose, salts and are ready-to-use for a wide range of molecular biology applications.

DNA purified with the Gel Advanced Extraction Miniprep System can be used directly in most applications, including:

  • Automated fluorescent and radioactive sequencing & PCR
  • Restriction digestion & modifying enzymatic reactio
  • Ligation
  • Labeling & hybridization


  • Efficient extraction of DNA fragments from 100 bp to 10 kb
  • Recover DNA fragments from standard of low-melting point agarose gels in TAE or TBE buffer
  • Elute DNA with just 15~30µl elution buffer or ddH20
  • Recovery up to 90%
  • Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes
  • No Sodium Iodide to interfere with subsequent reactions
  • No shearing of large DNA fragments

Suitable samples: Agarose gel slices

DNA isolation size: 100bp-10kbp


Cat # GAE-100 GAE-200
Preps 50 250
GEX Buffer 30ml 140ml
PE Buffer 60ml 280ml
Elution Buffer 2ml 8ml
Spin Column 50 250
Collection Tube 50 250

Additional information


50 preps, 250 preps