编号 | 文章标题 | 作者 | 期刊 | MCLAB 相关产品 |
1 | Activation of HIV Transcription by the Viral Tat Protein Requires a Demethylation Step Mediated by Lysinespecific Demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1) | Sakane et al (2011) | PLoS Pathog 7(8): e1002184 | 2X HotSybr Real-time PCR Mix |
2 | Molecular Mechanisms of Bortezomib Resistant Adenocarcinoma Cells |
Susuki et al (2011) | PLoS ONE 6(12): e27996 |
Sanger sequencing service: b5, b1, LMP7, LMP2 and b7 subunits |
3 | Functional Mutation of Multiple Solvent-Exposed Loops in the Ecballium elaterium Trypsin Inhibitor-II Cystine Knot Miniprotein | Kimura et al (2011) | PLoS ONE 6(2): e16112 | Sanger sequencing service |
4 | The Functional Significance of MicroRNA-145 in Prostate Cancer | Zaman et al (2010) | Br J Cancer. 2010 July 13; 103(2): 256–264. | Sanger sequencing service |
5 | Characterization of 12 Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci in Ifremeria nautilei, a Chemoautotrophic Gastropod From Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents | Thaler et al (2010) | Conservation Genet Resour On-line, Jan 9, 2010 | Size Standards |
6 | miRNAs Regulate SIRT1 Expression During Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation and In Adult Mouse Tissues | Saunders et al (2010) | AGING, July 2010, Vol. 2. No 7 pg. 415-431 | 2X HotSybr Real-time PCR Mix |
7 | Discovery of a New Population of Juniperus Gracilior var. urbaniana from the Domenican Republic: Analysis of Leaf Terpenoids and SNPS from nrDNA and trnC-trnD | Adams et al (2010) | Phytologia 92(3): 413-423 (December 1, 2010). | Sanger sequencing service |
8 | First Report of the Detection of Candidatus liberibacter Species in Zebra Chip Disease Infected Potato Plants in the United States |
Abad et al (2009) | Plant Disease – 93(1):108 | Sanger sequencing service |
9 | Functional Significance of Wnt Inhibitory Factor-1 Gene in Kidney Cancer |
Kawakami et al (2009) | Cancer Res November 15, 2009 69; 8603 | Sanger sequencing service |
10 | BTG3 Tumor Suppressor Gene Promoter Demethylation, Histone Modification And Cell Cycle Arrest By Genistein In Renal Cancer |
Majid et al (2009) | Carcinogenesis (2009) 30 (4): 662670 |
Sanger sequencing service |
11 | Vibrio sp. As A potentially Importantmember of the Black Band Disease (BBD) Consortium in Favia sp. Corals | Arotsker et al (2009) | FEMS Microbiol Ecol 70 (2009) pg. 515–524 | Sanger sequencing service |
12 | Ethylene Involvement In The Regulation of the H+-ATPase CsHA1 Gene And Of The New Isolated Ferric Reductase CsFRO1 and Iron Transporter CsIRT1 Genes in Cucumber Plants | Waters et al (2007) | Plant Physiology et Biochemistry | Sanger sequencing service |
13 | Epigenetic Inactivation of the Dioxin- Responsive Cytochrome P4501A1 Gene in Human Prostate Cancer |
Okino et al (2006) | Cancer Res August 1, 2006 66; 7420 | Sanger sequencing service |