2X Ori-Master Mix


The 2X Ori-Master Mix is a premixed, ready-to-use solution containing a high-fidelity DNA polymerase, ori specific primers, dNTPs, and MgCl2.

OMM-100 2.5 ml for 200 rxn ¥2,367.00
OMM-200 10 ml for 800 rxn ¥7,102.00
OMM-300 100 ml for 8000 rxn ¥57,103.00


The 2X Ori-Master Mix is a premixed, ready-to-use solution containing a high-fidelity DNA polymerase, ori specific primers, dNTPs, and MgCl2. The Master Mix can produce linear copies of bacterial plasmids from a single colony. The reaction mixture and conditions are optimized regardless of the plasmid copy number. Amplified products can be directly sequenced without the need for purification.


  • Colony PCR
  • DNA sequencing
  • Restriction Digestion


  • Fast reaction : less than 2hrs from a colony to its DNA products, comparing to 16-24 hours for a miniprep process
  • Good yield: a 25 μl reaction yields up to 1 μg DNA
  • Easy to use: Ori-specific primers are included and the PCR protocol is optimized. Just add the template and water.
  • Long amplification fragments: up to 10 Kb
  • High throughput capability: 96 or 384 well plate compatible

Experimental Data :

Figure. Colony PCR Using 2X Ori-Master Mix
M:1 Kb DNA ladder (NEB). 1&2:PCR product of ~4Kb plasmids.

Additional information


2.5 ml for 200 rxn, 10 ml for 800 rxn, 100 ml for 8000 rxn

Manual & Protocols


MSDS & Certificates