

MCLAB’s Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit is a highly efficient library construction kit for preparing paired-end or multiplexed DNA libraries for high-throughput sequencing.
SKU: N/A 分类: ,
NGDC-100 20 reactions ¥9,279.00
NGDC-200 100 reactions ¥32,477.00


The MCLAB’s Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit is a highly efficient library construction kit for preparing paired-end or multiplexed DNA libraries for high-throughput sequencing. This kit can directly construct DNA libraries for next-generation sequencing analysis using Illumina® GAIIxTM, HiSeqTM 2000 and MiSeq® sequencing platforms. Preserving the complexity of sequencing libraries, the protocol is quicker than the standard method and provides even coverage data with less duplicate reads and PCR bias for DNA sequencing.

The superior function of the MCLAB’s Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit depends on our proprietary ligation system. Using a non-amplification method of library preparation with custom adapters, unamplified, ligated DNA samples can hybridize directly to the oligonucleotides on the flow cell surface. The cluster amplification step (rather than using PCR), enriches the flow cell for fully ligated template strands, reducing the incidence of duplicate sequences, improving read mapping and single nucleotide polymorphism calling. Paired end libraries are compatible with both paired and single-end flow cells.

– Simplified library preparation for even coverage data
– Multiplex barcodes available
– Automation-friendly workflow
– Cost-effective solution

List of Components:
The reagents supplied in the MCLAB’s Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit are sufficient to prepare DNA libraries for 20 or 100 samples for Illumina®-compatible next-generation sequencing.

Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit (20 reactions):
End Repair Enzyme Mix: 110µl
10x End Repair Buffer: 110µl
dA-Tailing Enzyme: 90µl
10x dA-Tailing Buffer: 90µl
DNA Adapter Mix: 25µl
DNA Ligation Enzyme Mix: 90µl
10x DNA Ligation Buffer: 90µl

Non-Amplification DNA Library Construction Kit (100 reactions):
End Repair Enzyme Mix: 550µl
10x End Repair Buffer: 550µl
dA-Tailing Enzyme: 450µl
10x dA-Tailing Buffer: 450µl
DNA Adapter Mix: 125µl
DNA Ligation Enzyme Mix: 450µl
10x DNA Ligation Buffer: 450µl

Recommended Storage Condition: -20°C.



20 reactions, 100 reactions

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